This is one of the most powerful and deep ways of detoxing the physical body I have experienced!
It is easy, effortless and the spa-like setting makes it incredibly soothing and enjoyable! My favorite part is that it is all-natural and you don’t have to consume any products. You enjoy the light therapy and let it start breaking up the toxins in your body.
The first time I used the light machine I did not sweat. Little did I know that meant my thyroid was out of balance. When I went back the second time I noticed the changes. On the first day after using the machine, I had a slight headache. Day two I had a migraine. Day three was diarrhea. All symptoms of detoxification happening within my body. I also noticed single pimples and small rashes that would surface for a few hours before going away. Another sign that the toxins were moving up and out of my body! My head feels clear and my aches and pains are gone!
I love how simple this machine is and how it helps release deeply embedded toxins that have accumulated over time. I am looking forward to future appointments!
Susan M. - BC, Canada
(Photon Genius & Genie User)
It was Divine intervention that I came to find The Healing Hands Duo!
I had heard of the Genius machine from my cousin several years ago, he had taken his dad who was diagnosed with Cancer. When I was diagnosed with my medical condition, I went on a hunt for a machine in the GTA. After several tries, nothing was coming up. I had asked my naturopath if anyone in his network had or knew of someone who had the machine. He asked me to send him some information. It was my last google search and The Healing Hands Duo appeared. For that, I am extremely grateful.
Jessica and Kevin are kind and compassionate people, who are knowledgeable in holistic health. The atmosphere is peaceful and calming. They took the time to research the best practice for my condition and introduced me to Ozone therapy, Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, and Fulvic Ionic Minerals. I did several sessions on Genius and the Genie and Infrared Light Therapy. These therapies helped with detoxing my body and helped with scar tissue healing. Jessica also provided me with several resources for holistic healing and holistic practitioners. I will be returning for future sessions to continue to detox and make sure that my body is in optimal health.
Thank you, Jessica and Kevin, for making this available to me and for all your knowledge and support.
Marta Da Costa. - Ontario, Canada
(Photon Genius, Genie, Red/NIR Light User Plus Fulvic Acid, Lypospheric Vit. C & Topical Ozone)
I came across Jess through her youtube channel and was impressed with her knowledge of fighting autoimmune conditions.
As somebody who is healing from colitis and Lyme, I found it especially helpful. I would definitely recommend her to anyone trying to heal naturally from these debilitating conditions. She also is an expert on alternative healing modalities like rife, photon and ozone which I also found really helpful in my healing journey.
Miles F. -Â California, USA
(Wellness Consultations & Photon Genius User)
So I met Healing Hands Duo online, I came across their YouTube Channel. I was instantly drawn in by the raw honesty that poured from their beautiful souls.
They are in the same business as we are, helping people find an alternative way to health and well being. We have never physically met in person, but it was clear to us that we belonged to the same soul tribe and were being reunited at this present time. Jessie and I exchange ideas and information on a regular basis and I am honored to consider her a friend and a colleague in this fast-paced insane world. Kevin and Jessie are currently helping me with wifi issues and ways to deal and heal from the 24/7 bombardment of energies. They bring new ideas, products, and protocols to my personal journey down this 5 G road. We both have the Photon Genius and Genie which is what originally united us, we have such wonderful gritty stories and so much in common, and our mission is to be of service in the only way we know which is Raw and Unfiltered! If you are in their area, make an appointment, it will literally change your life.
Charity S. - Colorado, USA
(Photon Genius, Genie Owner & EMF Consultations)
Amazing results!
I’ve been giving my Border Collie, Evey who has sensitive/dry skin Medi-Paws for almost two months now and we’ve noticed she isn’t scratching anymore!
Monica C. - Milton, Ont., Canada
(Medi-Paws User)
Amazing couple!
If you have gut issues they give very good advice they take their time out to write you back a very detailed message. Learned so much from them. Highly recommend 😊😊
Debbie B. - New Jersey, USA
(Wellness Consultation)
Kevin and Jessie have been our guiding lights.
When the 2 of them began to really struggle with their own health issues they began to do extensive research to find ways to improve and reverse their illnesses and we were able to benefit from this research.
I have been struggling for 20 years with Crohn's/colitis, Osteoarthritis and Sjogren's Syndrome. In 2007 I had both of my knees replaced and I retired after 35 years of teaching elementary school. My depression and fatigue were constant.
Ken had a mild heart attack in 2001 and in 2012 he was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia). In 2016 Ken had 2 stents placed in one of his arteries.
With Kevin's guidance, we began to look at our dental health. Specific dental procedures can cause inflammation and leave toxic metals in one's system. Kevin helped us find several biological dentists who were able to help us remove and recover from our toxic dental work.
Since all illnesses begin with inflammation, Kevin and Jessie, along with our Naturopath, guided us in finding a diet and supplements that would help manage and ultimately reverse our inflammation. Choosing the right foods for us has been key.
I had taken antibiotics frequently throughout my career which caused gut damage and left me with UTIs every 3 months. Jessie recommended different probiotics and fermented foods to correct this issue and I have not had a UTI in many years. We have also been using the Cannabis Sativa Hemp Seed Oil capsules for over a year and we find that they make a difference in how we feel overall.
Kevin has been researching water for several years and, based on his suggestion, we now have structured water in our home and we also have a structured water unit that we take with us whenever we travel. Our outdoor plants benefit from our structured water and we can notice a difference in how healthy and lively they look in comparison to those in our neighbors' gardens.
Over a year ago Kevin came to our home with his equipment to do some testing for EMFs and harmful wifi frequencies that might be causing us some ill effects. He was able to make several suggestions as to what we could do to improve our current situation. We find that now we sleep much better in our home and we are more aware of these issues wherever we go. It is difficult to avoid these frequencies but Kevin made multiple suggestions and product recommendations that we can use to protect ourselves when we are not in the safety of our own home. We always travel with our personal EMF protection device.
A few years ago we began to drive to Arizona where we spend several months each year and it was there that we became acquainted with the Photon Genie and the Photon Genius developed by the Skilling Institute. Kevin was intrigued by this technology and it was not long before he and Jessie purchased both electromedicine devices and now have them available out of their home spa. We use their Photon Genius every week when we are in Canada and we have our own Photon Genie which is always with us so that we can use it daily. We have had remarkable results with both pieces of equipment.
Neither of us takes any medications now. My Crohn's has been in remission for over 6 years and my arthritis and Sjogren's are under control. Ken's test results continue to improve with every test and one of his specialists just recently asked him what he was doing to stay so healthy. Both of us are in better health now at the age of 70 than we were ten years ago. Instead of suffering from pain and fatigue we drive south for 6 months out of each year and ride bikes while we are away. We love to dance and can spend hours on the dance floor. Our lives have improved tremendously. It is all thanks to the research and knowledge that Kevin and Jessie have acquired over the years. They are dedicated to making a difference in peoples' lives and continue to find new ways to do this. We are so very grateful!
Ken & Andrea A. - London, Ont., Canada
(EMF Consultations, Structured Water, Sativa Seed Oil & Photon Genius Users)
Amazing results!
My 9-year-old Boston terrier Dexter, was limping on one of his hind legs due to inflammation of the joints. The Healing Hands Duo recommended Medi-Paws which he has been taking for the last 2 months and has not limped since! Thank you, Jessica.
Betty D. - Caledon, Ont., Canada
(Medi-Paws User)
I highly recommend both products!
I am very happy with the Blushield cube. According to the woman I spoke to at BluShield, the cube is ideal and the plug-in may not be strong enough especially if you have a lot of smart meters in your area. Because we installed the structured water unit at the same time as we purchased the cube I’m not sure which one created the detox symptoms. Are the detox symptoms worth it? Absolutely! I highly recommend both products and I’m very happy that we made the investment. I cannot get over the texture of my hair and my skin and I feel a sense of well-being and happiness. My husband has better workouts, more energy and he is starting to notice the difference in his skin as well. We are still experiencing some mild detox symptoms but know that it’s beneficial to the end result of becoming healthier. Jazzy is a perfect example of how powerful these systems are. She went from a dog that had to have allergy shots every month plus medication for allergies to absolutely zero need for medication. Her skin has totally cleared up she’s more alert and happier. Same with my poodle, she is much more active and she is drinking more water. I feel she’s drawn to the water. After using the photon genie, I really didn’t notice any difference. But then again, it was the first time I used it. I definitely feel that if I continued using it, it would have some phenomenal results! Kevin and Jessie are an amazing couple with a wealth of knowledge. I certainly appreciate the time and help that they took in helping me.