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How To Properly Prepare & What To Expect From Your Sessions

Please Read This Carefully Before Your First Visit

How To Properly Prepare For Your Sessions: FAQ

The Super Sauna Photon Genius, The Photon Genie or SaunaRay w/Near Infrared Red Light

Prior to your very first session and upon booking your appointment, you will be sent a health questionnaire which is required and mandatory for all members to fill out. This questionnaire will be used by the studio facilitator to inform he/she of any areas of concern and so that the appropriate session lengths and heat settings can be determined prior to your arrival


The body needs time to condition itself to sweating, eliminating toxins, moving and balancing fluids, charging and balancing energies of the body, so you may need time/multiple sessions in order for these changes to take place and for the body to improve.


Please be sure to eat two hours before your sauna session but do not arrive with an empty stomach.


Please also drink plenty of water throughout the day and at least 8 oz of water before you arrive for you session.


There are two session rooms that provide complete comfort & privacy.


If this is your first experience with full spectrum, energy saunas or frequency equipment it is recommended to take it slow. The average healthy person may begin with 10-20 minute sessions with medium heat (or very low heat) and then continue the remainder of their session with only the lights. However, for those that are fragile you may only begin with 5-10 minute sessions with very low heat and continue the remainder of your sessions with just the lights.


The only sessions done standing up are those done with The Super Sauna Photon Genius. However, we do provide a stool covered with a fresh clean towel if needed for your session. Standing is recommended and should be the goal. This dynamic energy sauna can be used with just lights, heat & lights and at varying temperatures that hit the near, mid and far infrared wavelengths.


The SaunaRay is an enclosed Far Infrared Medical Grade Sauna and is done sitting down, not recommended for those with heat intolerance or who may be sensitive to warm enclosed spaces. However, the temperature is adjustable and there is a glass window on the front door to allow fresh air into the sauna. This sauna ONLY provides near/far infrared heat and ONLY red light which may be desirable for those seeking evening sessions.


The Photon Genie components are applied to various parts of the body with instruction from your facilitator and from the comfort of a recliner. In order to get to various areas or access to the major areas where the lymphatic system is located, it is suggested that you wear stretchy, comfortable clothing, if coming to use The Photon Genie.


You may bring your iPod, iPhone, Android phone or MP3 player for your listening enjoyment but this is a wi-fi free zone, so we would please ask that you keep your device on airplane mode when entering the studio. It may not work as well anyway because the studio has been remediated for nnEMF and to block outside sources of wi-fi frequencies and harmonics.


Each of our session rooms are equipped with SMART TV’s that have been hard wired so that you can listen to music, binaural beats, or an audio guided meditation for deep relaxation as these televisions have full access to YouTube. This is a time to quite the mind, relax, set positive intentions towards your healing, and to just breath. Most of us live hectic, busy lives and this is the place to turn it all off, even if it is just for a few moments a day, week, or month, enjoy it!


We encourage you to be nude during your sauna sessions, to wear no makeup, perfume, cream, lotion or deodorant for best results. No sprays are allowed in our studio to protect our equipment and our NO CHEMICAL POLICY. If you feel more comfortable, you may wear a bathing suit or your undergarments. However, the more skin exposure, the better. If you choose to wear your undergarments, they may get saturated with sweat so you may want to bring another pair to change into.


Your body may experience similar circulation, calorie burning, a healing crisis "HERXHEIMER” reaction (refer to section, What Is A Herxheimer Reaction for more information.), a strange body odor and detoxification benefits that are similar to rigorous exercise. Therefore, it is recommended that you walk around for 10 minutes after your session as a cool down.


If at anytime you feel dizzy please reduce the heat, step away or out of the sauna and sit down and rest for a moment while sipping some water.


More in this case or higher temperatures is not always better and it is not recommended to overexert the body. It may also not be possible for your body to sweat during your first initial sessions, that's ok, it may take time for your sweat glands to function properly again. 


If at anytime you should need assistance, an intercom to contact one of the studio facilitators will be available to help you at anytime.


With your sauna sessions, several spa towels will be provided, a bath robe should you need it to throw on to use the washroom, water that contains a few drops of liquid zeolites to help with detoxification and a packet of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C upon completion of your session. A complementary shower will also be available for those that need it. However, if you currently have any type of skin ailment/infection please bring your own towels and robe (3-4 towels are required per session) or if you feel more comfortable doing so. However, all of our studio towels are washed with high steam temperature in order to sanitize them after every session. 


Please be sure to specify which package you are interested in when making your appointments. It's best to reach us via email: but you may call us as well, however we may not answer if we are with a client.


You will be provided with a full bottle of filtered, STRUCTURED water. This water is not regular filtered water and it does not compare to bottled water. Structured water is a molecular arrangement of water molecules that exists when water is near hydrophilic (water loving) surfaces. The majority of the water in your body is structured water as your bodily tissues are hydrophilic. This water is considered crystalline water, highly energized, living water and will help to hydrate the body much more quickly as opposed to regular bottled or filtered water. So please be sure to drink our water for optimal hydration. Sipping our water slowly (one or two mouthfuls every 5 minutes is best) or more if needed during your session. Please also bring an empty water bottle with you so that we can fill it up with our water before you leave.


Get ready to feel the ENERGY, VIBRATE your world and see the LIGHT!

416-464-6412 for appointments ONLY

Mississauga, Ontario



Studio Hours

Sunday-Monday: Closed

Tuesday-Friday: 11:00am-7:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm


Holiday Closures

Christmas Eve-Day: 24th & 25th

New Years Eve-Day: 31st & 1st


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©2018-2022 by The Healing Hands Duo


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The equipment and supplements contained within this website/email/post or description are for experimental purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute the care and/or services of a physician or other health care professional. These products/services are not to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any symptom, illness or disease, which should come under the direction and supervision of your health care practitioner. Information and statements made about any and all products/services within this website/email/post or description are for educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Each individual’s success depends on his or her wellness and environmental history, background, dedication, desire & motivation, attitude, & continued cooperation. As all wellness issues have inherent risk, our information & testimonials are not intended to infer or guarantee that anyone will achieve any result with any/all wellness issue(s). symptom(s), or diagnosis. This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada & the Food & Drug Administration. Neither the information, nor any technologies, formula(s), protocol(s) or supplement(s) mentioned here or throughout this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is based upon our own personal experience(s) and independent research and it is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, however we are not certified health care practitioners and therefore, cannot and will not provide any direct or indirect medical advice, so please see a health care practitioner if you should have any health questions or concerns. The Healing Hands Duo, aka Jessica & Kevin, will not be held responsible or accountable for any typographical errors or machine/service sessions or product formulation changes made by the manufactures. We strongly encourage you to seek the advice of a professional practitioner whenever starting any new wellness regime and to monitor your progress. Unless otherwise noted, information herein has not been evaluated by Health Canada or the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).


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